Wednesday, 30 November 2011
I've moved....

Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Last project of the year! Accessories
Inspired by my current favourite brand 45 RPM I've decided to design a square scarf which can be adapted using a braided strap into a shopper or halter top..........
I had a little play with some colours for the braided strap on the remains of my last warp which lends itself quite well in terms of weight and pattern...
Will let you know how it progresses!
Monday, 21 February 2011
learning to trust money
1. investing in a beautiful new wallet.....
2. paying with cash........
4. value
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
winter walkies!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
here you can see the physical manifestation of procrastination in the form of pegs....
...and after weaving like a demon for the past few days here is my first completed sample...
....and a felted experiment.
I love how the motif disappears on the dark striped sections and appears more clearly in the light sections in the felted sample - felting is really exciting as you never really know how its going to turn out. I'm really pleased with the result as I took a lot of care to get the cloth even and error free.....one down only five to go!!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
a little paper tree
A simple thankyou card mum commisioned me to make inspired by the autumn colours on a recent trip up north...
Sunday, 31 October 2010
I began pulling apart an old pair of jeans and a scrap of fabric (bought from the Borders scrap store) thread by thread and re-wove the wiggly little threads onto a tiny basic loom which I made from cardboard and cotton yarn. This created a lovely irregular effect but the lengths of yarn were just a little too short to create anything very big so I called in the boys.....
Friday, 24 September 2010
a new skill
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
click click click
I've been taking some nice pics of jewellery for inisonline over the past week and I think they mostly turned out ok but I've been feeling a bit frustrated as my photography skills are not quite up to scratch and I can't bring myself to buy a book or trawl through the internet for decent tutorials...so.... rather than taking my usual approach of - 'i'll do something about it someotherday' I decided to take action......
Craig Mcbeth is the wonderful man who photographed Sarah Elizabeth's wedding in August and we were all blown away by the beautiful and unique shots he took so I emailed him and asked if he might like to give me a few starter lessons and amazingly he said yes and now he's coming over to give me a lesson on Sunday! I'm so excited and glad that I bit the bullet and actually did something rather than just 'someotherdaying' it! I'll be sure to post about my lesson next week!
Thursday, 26 August 2010
*!FREE GIVEAWAY!* antiqued heart necklace
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
one spectacular summer

photos by Craig McBeth
....my beautiful sister's and cousin's weddings....
....my eldest sister and family visiting from Australia....

thank you